Saturday, January 19, 2008


Feel free to contact us by phone 319-404-8819 or Carrie's cell 319-290-5678. We'd love to hear from everyone. We'll be checking email too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Carrie and Stephen! Sandy gave me your website, I'm so thankful. Your babies are beautiful. God is faithful and will provide you the strength to be wonderful parents. When you all get home there will be so much to do and care for. I'm so willing to help. When my twins were babies 24 years ago I remember how helpful it was for someone to run errnads or sit with the boys. I would be honored to be that someone. Carrie, the c-section pain does subside and the stomach goes back to shape somewhat. Take Care and God Bless! Rosie L.