Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fun Weekend

This weekend we had a get-together with some of Stephen's family in Williamsburg for a late "Christmas". We stayed at a hotel, hung out, and did some shopping at the outlet mall on Saturday and Sunday. Thanks to some good deals we got the kids stocked up on clothes to get them through the rest of winter. They're sure growing out of current clothes like crazy! Of course, the hit of the weekend for Grady and Ella was the POOL! It had been a while since they'd gotten a chance to get in the water, but they quickly remembered how much they love to swim and kick around in their floaties!

Alright, so Ella wasn't so fired up about this picture!

Now I'm happy :)

Hi, mom!

They liked to play bumper boats. Ella was making a "vroom vroom" noise like she does with her riding toys at home - she's a funny one!

Swimming with dad

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