Wow, summer is flying by. A lot has changed in the Mulligan household since I've last posted. First of all, Grady rolled over for the first time at the very beginning of June, followed by Ella a couple days the time came to sleep in separate cribs :( Okay....well the twins were fine with this; mom is the one who was sad! Now, Ella is a little rolling maniac. Every time you set her on her back, she immediately turns to her tummy. Grady doesn't roll quite as much which I am quite content with as I know the days of them being where I left them are numbered. I had a good laugh on Saturday when they were both trying to play with the same book on the floor. Grady grabbed it and moved it to the other side of him so she couldn't reach it, followed by a prompt swipe of Grady's pacifier from his mouth by Ella! How funny they are :)
On Father's Day we had a dedication service for Grady and Ella at church. There were four other babies dedicated as well. I thought that six new babies in the past 8 months was a lot for our small chuch.....but just when I was thinking that, Stephen had to remind me that our kids made up 1/3 of that number!
We just got back from vacation down on Table Rock Lake last week. We had a fun, relaxing time. Grady and Ella loved the pool! It was a little bit of a bummer that Ella was sick half of the vacation. She was running a high temp. for close to 3 days. Poor girl.
House for sale! We're trying to sell our house. We've had it on the market for a couple weeks and have showed it about 4 or 5 takers yet. If you know anyone looking for a house in Waterloo, send them our way :) Our flyer is online at We're praying it sells fast as it is very hard keeping our house clean with the twins and ready to show at any time!

I took this picture today...when I left the living room they were lying side by side...when I came back, Ella was hugging Grady!

Kiss me right here!

Chilling in the pool

Nice evening for a swim!