Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lack of updates...

I would like to take a minute and apologize for the lack of updates on our blog. Living on one income, we had to make some decisions - Internet or cable tv. Since Carrie is home all day, everyday with the babies, we opted for the entertainment. We have no Internet unless we go to my office or Panera. We'll try and make an effort to update but don't get frustrated if they are few and far between.

Babies are doing great; more pictures to come later!!



Jamie said...

Hello!!! I haven't seen you two since CHAOS several years ago and ran across your link on someone else's blog! Congrats on the babies! Things have come a long way since our vallet days at Naz.

Lynelle said...

I wish I could come see in person! We are praying that you are finding time to sleep. I know what a valuable thing it suddenly becomes. Much love to you all.