Happy Easter!
It's hard to believe the twins are more than 2 months old now! They are sure growing like weeds! As I've been looking back through pictures since they were born, I want to cry - they were so little and now they're so big. I've been sad as I slowly put away the newborn clothes they no longer fit in. Even though we're still not sleeping a whole lot, it makes me want to cherish these crazy days as I know they'll soon be walking and I'll miss these cuddle-filled days. The most exciting news is that they're both really starting to smile a lot. Grady's smiles go from ear to ear and Ella's tend to be a little more sly. It just melts our hearts :) They're also starting to check each other out a little more. Of course, any chance Ella gets close enough to Grady, she'll stretch over to his head and start sucking away. He doesn't quite know what to think! They sure crack us up sometimes, and never cease to amaze us at how many diapers we can go through in a ten minute time period some days! (We still haven't had to purchase diapers yet - thanks to all of you who have contributed to our diaper supply!!) They really are great little babies. In Stephen's words, "I love them so much, I just want to eat them!" Hmmm.....whatever you say, dad!
We just had a great Easter weekend. On Friday night, we went to a Good Friday service at church with my parents. It was basically a time of communion and prayer. As we sat there, we were reminded of the same service last year.....where Stephen and I were praying that God would bless us with children in His timing. We had no clue we'd be sitting there a year later with 2 beautiful children - how crazy blessed we are. When they were born, I instantly had this new capacity to love in a way I've never experienced. With the emotional roller coaster of health issues they faced as they entered this world, I immediately learned that this parenting thing wasn't going to be easy. I want to put Grady and Ella in a little bubble and never let anything happen to them! As I sat in church on Friday, I caught a new glimpse of the sacrifice it was for God to send His son to die a brutal death on the cross for us. Thank goodness for Sunday! How comforting it is to know that He beat death and is alive in heaven. It sure makes this parenting journey seem possible. Our prayer is that Grady and Ella each grow up and accept the gift God gave in dying on the cross for them, and choose to follow Him.

Love my daddy!
It's hard to believe the twins are more than 2 months old now! They are sure growing like weeds! As I've been looking back through pictures since they were born, I want to cry - they were so little and now they're so big. I've been sad as I slowly put away the newborn clothes they no longer fit in. Even though we're still not sleeping a whole lot, it makes me want to cherish these crazy days as I know they'll soon be walking and I'll miss these cuddle-filled days. The most exciting news is that they're both really starting to smile a lot. Grady's smiles go from ear to ear and Ella's tend to be a little more sly. It just melts our hearts :) They're also starting to check each other out a little more. Of course, any chance Ella gets close enough to Grady, she'll stretch over to his head and start sucking away. He doesn't quite know what to think! They sure crack us up sometimes, and never cease to amaze us at how many diapers we can go through in a ten minute time period some days! (We still haven't had to purchase diapers yet - thanks to all of you who have contributed to our diaper supply!!) They really are great little babies. In Stephen's words, "I love them so much, I just want to eat them!" Hmmm.....whatever you say, dad!
We just had a great Easter weekend. On Friday night, we went to a Good Friday service at church with my parents. It was basically a time of communion and prayer. As we sat there, we were reminded of the same service last year.....where Stephen and I were praying that God would bless us with children in His timing. We had no clue we'd be sitting there a year later with 2 beautiful children - how crazy blessed we are. When they were born, I instantly had this new capacity to love in a way I've never experienced. With the emotional roller coaster of health issues they faced as they entered this world, I immediately learned that this parenting thing wasn't going to be easy. I want to put Grady and Ella in a little bubble and never let anything happen to them! As I sat in church on Friday, I caught a new glimpse of the sacrifice it was for God to send His son to die a brutal death on the cross for us. Thank goodness for Sunday! How comforting it is to know that He beat death and is alive in heaven. It sure makes this parenting journey seem possible. Our prayer is that Grady and Ella each grow up and accept the gift God gave in dying on the cross for them, and choose to follow Him.
Love my daddy!