Wednesday, June 29, 2011

funny of the day

Conversation of the day: (to set the scene, we were driving past the courthouse, aka: Ella's castle)

Ella: I'm going to have a wedding at my castle.....and Jayden (cousin) is going to dance with me....and I'm going to wear a princess dress and be a princess just like you were mommy.....and Grady's going to be a prince.

Grady: Noooooooooo (in disgust)!  I'm NOT going to be a PRINCE! I'm going to be SPIDERMAN!  And I'm going to have a wedding at a basketball game!!!

Enough said, I guess. We couldn't have twins with more of a girly girl and a completely opposite "all boy" boy!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Moving Forward

It's been quite a while since I have posted.  Let's just say it's been a crazy few months.  Here's the rundown since our last post:

-Stephen's been crazy busy with work!

-When not at work/traveling around for work, he's been working on finishing up loose ends on our house.  I have an awesome husband!

-We've been attempting to check things off our Haiti list in our spare? time (kids' shots, fund-raising prep, etc).

-We had a successful garage sale getting rid of a lot of the excess!

-We've made trips to Indiana (fund-raising seminar), Tennessee (take care of some Haiti business), and Kentucky (orphan summit <-------awesome!)

-Had a fun and special weekend in Illinois with my family for my Grandma's 90th B-day

-Mikah turned two :)

-Twins started swimming lessons :)

-Stephen took a trip to the boundary waters with a group of guys from our church

-AND, we officially got our house listed today!  

     I know there's plenty of things I've left out, but those are the big ones.  We've also managed to keep three kids alive and thriving :)  That's a big enough task in itself!  In other big news, Stephen has 8 days left of work at InVision!  It's going to be a bittersweet end, but I am looking forward to having my husband around and to be able to devote the time needed to fully prepare for our move.  Please pray for our family during this transition that is coming faster than we ever anticipated.  Pray for our marriage, our kids, and that all the details we need to work out would fall into place.  

Also, check out Hands and Feet's new website!   It just launched this past week and is pretty cool.

I'll leave you with a conversation Grady and I had on our way to the store tonight:
G:  Who's truck is that mommy?
Me:  Um, that's Aaron's truck.
G:  Daddy sold his truck because we're going to Haiti, and we love Haiti, mommy.  And all the kids there.

(funny fact: Stephen didn't sell his truck to move to Haiti.  His truck died like 5 months ago!)