...we've been perfect little angels...
loved on our little sister...

gone to visit family... (cousins: Mikah, Teagen, & Lexi)
pet some baby animals at the fair...
(Ella and friend Isabelle...who does a great job entertaining the twins!)
eaten some fair food...
taken only one bath...... (oops, we'll try to get another one in tonight!)
slept like a baby.... (well, some nights)
and of course have been a little goofy!
**Stephen's been on a mission trip to the Hands & Feet Project in Haiti since last Friday. Although I was unable to go this time, I'm glad he had this opportunity to return to this place that we hold so near and dear to our hearts (along with my mom and sister-in-law)! I will say that I am more than ready for him to return home on Sunday! I have realized even more how much I appreciate all he does as a husband and dad over this 10-day 'single mom' experience. Come home safely -we miss you!