Well, we have made it home. Grady and Ella have done really well welcoming home their little sister. Grandma and Grandpa have helped out by keeping the twins overnight for the first couple nights home and they've been introduced to her in small doses. Today was their first full day with her and they're back at home in their cribs! We've missed the little buggers, so it's great to have them back. They've shocked me with very little jealousy and they even will bring her a blanket and try to put a pacifier in her mouth.
Mom on the other hand (to be honest) has been a wreck! It's physically and emotionally exhausting to bring home a new baby to a home with two one-year-olds (especially when we don't have our own place yet!) and start the baby process all over again. We're so blessed to have family and friends around to help us out. Thanks to all of you!
Mikah has been a great baby in her first five days of life! She's sleeping most of the day but is already having more and more alert time each day. She has such pretty eyes and funny spikey hair! She's been doing well at night, and when I get up with her in the wee hours I am SO thankful there is only one of her :) I love my little twins to death, but have no clue how we have made it through the past year to the point of them sleeping from 8pm to 8am! Praise the Lord for three happy, healthy babes!

Haven't even left hospital and already attached to pacifier!
Bonding with his little sister
First bath at home...