Stephen: What a lucky guy! He was chosen for federal grand jury duty a couple months ago. This basically means that he needs to keep the first work week of every month open for the next year and a half. Yes, you read correctly.....he potentially has to sit in on the grand jury for one week a month for a whole eighteen months! I had no clue that duty could be that long! Anyway, he's been pretty lucky as the last couple months they've only had to meet for 2 days of that week. They meet in Cedar Rapids, so we've been making the best of the situation and I've been going down with him and the kids because they pay for a hotel room. Good excuse to bring Grady and Ella swimming!
On the home front...we've recently listed our house with a realtor. We're praying our house sells very soon! We've decided we're heading to Manchester, and are pretty excited about the decision. We're currently staying with my parents for a couple weeks. Stephen is doing a little remodel project on their kitchen and it's kind of necessary to be out of the house for a while as our realtor is showing our house a lot! Kind of impossible to keep it in showing condition with the twins.
Grady: a crawling, tooth-growing maniac. He's been crawling for a while now and is fast! I just noticed his second tooth yesterday which is soon to be followed by a third I see coming in! He's just a fun little boy!
Ella: a uniquely maneuvering, toothless girl! Nope, she's not doing your official crawl, but can sure get around in her own little way. I'm pretty sure she's just going to skip to walking. She's testing the waters with pulling herself up on things and has the scrapes to prove it. No teeth yet :)
And last but not least......Stephen and I were quite surprised last month to find out that we're expecting again! Hey, I heard your gasp! The reality is finally settling in that this spring, we will have three children sixteen months apart! (Due date: May 24) We do have confirmation that it's only one this time as we had an ultrasound last week! I've been feeling so overwhelmed with this news, but as we saw and heard that little heart beating on the ultrasound, we instantly fell in love once again!
I'll leave you with a picture:
This was actually taken a couple months ago, but I love it as it is rare to get a good picture of the 2 of them :)